How to sponsor the schools?
Select the schools either from the list with SAEINDIA or by your own efforts. Then identify a company coordinator and volunteers from your company. Arrange the training program for the selected teachers from the schools and volunteers with SAEINDIA. Make the school to complete the statement of Partnership form. Order the AWIM kits for the selected schools and participate in school program with trained volunteers.
Please Contact :
SAEINDIA, Ceebros Arcade, 2nd Floor, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai – 600020, TamilNadu, India.
Value to sponsoring companies
Shape a new generation of children with scientific temper, authentic design experience and familiarity with automotive domain. Make companywide involvement by involving more volunteers across all departments. There will be more value addition to Engineers and Managers by refreshing fundamentals and new perspectives and also synergy with Corporate Social Responsibility.
Select a science teacher and an art teacher from your school for AWIM master teacher training program. Along with the teacher details send the duly signed statement of partnership form to SAEINDIA. SAEINDIA will intimate you the date, time and venue for the AWIM Master teacher training. After AWIM master teacher training, you can order for the AWIM kits through sponsor. SAEINDIA will supply the AWIM kits through the sponsor. Get the sponsors by your own efforts or through SAEINDIA and conduct the AWIM in your school along with the trained volunteers. Contact either the sponsor or SAEINDIA for the volunteer.
Value to SchoolsAWIM makes your students to have scientific temper and interest in hands on design experience and engineering. Teachers will become more knowledgeable in automotive sciences and design process and also learn a new way of teaching. Interaction of teachers and students with practicing engineers will help them to learn more about industry and new perspective. Participating in the AWIM Competitions will bring more visibility to your school.
Check with your company whether they are sponsoring AWIM. If your company is sponsoring, approach the AWIM coordinator of your company. If your company is not sponsoring AWIM. SAEINDIA will inform you about the date, time and venue of AWIM training program. Good opportunity to become as an AWIM instructor for volunteer. If you are participating three times in AWIM makes you eligible to become as a co-instructor. Being a co-instructor for two training programs makes you eligible to become as an AWIM instructor.
Attend the AWIM Master Teacher Training Program and participate three times in AWIM makes you eligible to become as a co-instructor. Being a co-instructor for two training programs makes you eligible to become as an AWIM trainer. Keep in touch with SAEINDIA for the training.